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Professional Visit Pass

Professional Visit Pass is issued to foreign nationals who wish to provide technical expertise and carry out specific work for short periods in Malaysia.

The validity of the pass is subject to the requirements but not exceeding 12 months.

Applications should be submitted by the sponsor in Malaysia before the applicant enters the country.

Experts / Volunteers



  1. Advisor to Government Agencies

  2. Professor / Visiting Lecturer / Visitors

  3. External Examiners

  4. Fellow

  5. Researcher / Research Assistant

  6. Seminar / Courses / Training Speaker

  7. Consultant

  8. Technical Advisor

  9. Horse Trainer

  10. Jockey

  11. Volunteer

  12. Experts in tools and machine assembly

  13. Experts in machine and tools maintenance

  14. Experts in equipment and machines reparation

  15. Experts in new products installation on existing machines

  16. The experts who have specialized skills that are considered suitable by the Director General of Immigration, Malaysia

  17. Apllicationn for Visit Pass (Professional) for a period not exceeding six months

  18. Installation of Machines

  19. Machine Maintenance

  20. Engine Repair

  21. Installation of new products in existing machines

  22. Provide training

  23. Undergoing training at the factory or hotel



Visit Pass (Professional) is issued to foreign nationals who wish to serve as Artist, Film Producer and Promoter


  1. Stage Artists (singing, music, dance, concerts, theatre, circus, acrobatics, martial arts, magic and the promotion and artist opera (Buddhist, Hindu and other opera)

  2. Non-artists - with expertise in arts management and screen-related arts.

  3. Producer - players, trainers or participants in filming.

  4. Filming - interviews, documentaries, fiction, entertainment and filming commercials or other forms made in the country by film company from overseas.

  5. Performance - performance in the hotel, entertainment, commercial premises, cultural centres, stadiums and places it deems appropriate

  6. Activities involving the performance in the open or closed place, album promotion, movie actors/actresses and also the promotion of goods or products, except alcohol and tobacco products


Islamic Missionary

Visit Pass (Professional) is issued to foreign nationals who wish to serve as Imam, Preachers, Teachers and Teacher Arabic Quran


  1. Islamic Studies

  2. Serving as Imam

  3. Serving as a Teacher

  4. Served as a teacher of Al-Quran

  5. Serve as Arabic Teacher



  1. The applicant must be outside Malaysia when applying (except for extension of Visit Pass (Professional)

  2. Applications must be submitted by the Employer / Sponsor / School

  3. Applications must be submitted at least one month before the teaching / learning begins


Applications that require approval from the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (Jakim) is

  1. Application of Islamic Studies who is 18 years old and Muslim

  2. Islamic Studies for all ages for muallaf

  3. The teachings of Islam

  4. Imam

  5. Quran teacher

  6. Arabic teacher


Practitioners / Other Religious Workers

Visit Pass (Professional) is issued to foreign nationals who wish to serve as a Hindu monk (Expatriate Gurukkal), Sami Sikh (Granthi), Priest, Teacher of the Dharma and Sculptors. The maximum period allowed to serve in this country is three (3) years.



  1. Hindu monks (Expatriate Gurukkal)

  2. Priest

  3. Buddhist monks, teachers of the Dharma

  4. Sikh Sami (Granthi)

  5. Musicians and religious culptors



  1. The applicant must be outside Malaysia when applying (except for extension of Visit Pass (Professional))

  2. Age:

    • 40 years of the Hindu monk (Expatriate Gurukkal), Sami Sikh (Granthi), Dharma Teachers and Priests

    • 35 years of religious musicians

    • 30 years of religious sculptors

  3. Applications must be submitted by the Employer / Sponsor / Temple / Gudwara / Temple

  4. Applications must be submitted at least one month before the applicant starts work

  5. Approval of the application depending on the result from Special Committee of the Visit Pass (Professional), Immigration Department of Malaysia (JK-PLIK)

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